
É a escola a única instância educadora na sociedade contemporânea? É legítimo impor a toda a sociedade um único modelo educacional? Em pleno século XXI, é impossível pensar alternativas sérias ao modelo escolar? O que estão fazendo aqueles que tiveram a coragem de educar seus filhos fora da escola? Como pensar e implementar um processo sustentável de educação fora da escola?

Estas e muitas outras perguntas tem neste blog um espaço para construir respostas. Educar os filhos na sociedade do conhecimento é um desafio que supera de longe o modelo escolar...é urgente dedicar-nos coletivamente a consolidar essas alternativas.

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

EUA: uma rede nacional de apoio ao Homeschooling II

Home Education Network

The National Home Education Network is an organization that was born out of the growing homeschooling movement. Its aim was to create some communication among the separate homeschoolers and homeschooling foundations. It also aims to present a positive image of homeschoolingand to create more homeschool support.

Homeschooling is a venture that can be quite isolating. Without a way to bring all the separate homeschoolers together, there's no community and no unified front. This is as true for their public image as for their ability to influence policy.

Organizations comprised of large groups of homeschoolers are required to accomplish these goals of public recognition. This is why many groups were formed, including the National Home Education Network.

What is It?

The National Home Education Network is a group of homeschooling peers. This organization was formed because the homeschooling movement wanted to present a unified front. This nationwide organization allowed them to form a large group that truly represents the astounding level of diversity that exists within the homeschool movement.

This formation of a larger group was not always an easy task because of the differences among homeschoolers, but these homeschoolers managed to put aside their differences for the greater good. Forming this organization allowed homeschoolers to speak with one voice.

Separate Yet Unified

The truly remarkable thing about this organization is the level of diversity. Homeschoolers are independent educators who all do things their own way. This meansthere are as many different types of homeschooling as there are homeschoolers.

Still, they have one common thread, and that thread is the main idea of homeschooling. All believe in the merits of a system that allows them to provide an education for their children at home in their own way. Homeschooling allows them to teach their children in the ways that best served their children's needs.

Their children don't have to be rushed along or held back because of other students. They can be taught in the way that serves their educational interests. This common thread binds them together and allowed them to join into one cohesive organization.

The National Home Education Network brings together homeschoolers across the nation into one organization. They put aside their differing opinions on smaller subjects to come together for the larger goal of perpetuating the idea and practice of homeschooling. When people with different opinions can work together toward a common goal, the results can be miraculous.

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